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    foreign currencies 結果共2筆

  • Survey: 62% of Gen Z allocate 20% of income to investments

    Discover how 62% of Gen Z in Taiwan are defying stereotypes by investing an average of NT$7,113 monthly, focusing on ETFs, stocks, and more for diverse financial goals.
    2024/08/21 11:15
  • Elderly man’s lost backpack with NT$1M found by clerk

    A 70-year-old man named Liu reported his backpack lost after a trip to Nantou, Taiwan. The backpack contained nearly NT$1 million in various currencies, as Liu was preparing for a business trip to Japan. Fortunately, a convenience store clerk found the backpack and, after no claimant came forward, discovered the significant amount of money inside, including Japanese Yen, U.S. dollars, and Chinese Yuan. The First Precinct Taichung City Police Department, who was already assisting Liu in locating his lost item, was alerted about the discovery. Deputy Head Hsiung Tien-hsin confirmed that the recovered property belonged to Liu and contained all the foreign currencies he needed for his upcoming business trip to Japan.
    2023/12/11 20:47
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